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Our Gaushala Products

Cow Milk (A2)


Vermicompost / Kenchua organic khad

Gomay Dhoop

Panchagavya Soap

Cow Dung


Cow Milk

After mother’s milk, it is only the cow’s milk that gives energy and full protection and is digestible. It is the primary animal milk consumed by humans. Cow milk is like nectar because it has amino acids which make its protein easily digestible. It is good for kidneys. It is a rich source of Vitamins like B2, B3 and A which help to increasing immunity. Cow Milk helps in reducing acidity and chances of peptic ulcer.

Gokashth - Wood alternatives for a happy future

Wood is being made from cow dung which is a good and cheap alternative of wood that will help our environment and slow down wood consumption.


Cow’s urine is bitter in taste like a medical concoction. The ancient scriptures of Ayurveda consider cow urine to be the elixir of life. Cow urine is one of the five contents of Panchagavya which obtain from cow (urine, milk, ghee, curd and dung). It removes phlegm and dispels disorders like phlegm, rheumatism, abdominal disorders and even leprosy

Vermicompost / Kenchua organic khad

Studies suggest vermicompost does not kill pathogens in the soil, but rather keeps the pathogens from becoming virulent and attacking your plants.

Vermicompost, in comparison to conventional compost, normally possesses higher levels of plant-available nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus.

Gomay Dhoop

This Dhoop is the best energy purifier of the atmosphere. It will remove all negative vibes and energy from around you. It is pure, clean and pleasing for cleansing whether you wish to clear a room or simply for cleansing your atmosphere. Using Gomay Dhoop has a spiritual and customary secret in India to elevate the energy level.

It also works as a natural pest repulsive and helps in uplifting inspiration and Creativity.

Panchagavya Soap

Soap is100% lather and chemical free Panchagavya Cow Dung Soap specially made for absolute skin protection. Panchagavya Soap are made with cow dung which protects your skin from roughness, dryness, keep your skin refreshed and prevent your skin from damage. Panchagavya Cow Dung Soaps are just like Ubatan and is highly recommended for skin diseases as well. Use these Panchagavya Cow Dung Soaps when doctor advise not to use caustic soaps in skin diseases.


'Gokashtha' is a wood substitute made from waste straw and cow dung. If we want to make the future of the coming generations happy and prosperous, then cow dung wood has to be adopted as an alternative to wood. This will protect the environment. Unnecessary trees will not be cut.

Gokashtha is better than wood. The moisture content in wood is up to 15 percent, while in cow dung wood one and a half to two percent. Gokastha is being used for cooking grains for cows in the cowshed itself. This saves the expenditure on burning of firewood.

Note: All above-Listed products are available in for bulk sale. We don’t provide home delivery. Please reach out us over call /mail for more details about these products.