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Rehabilitation and general welfare of uneconomic, weak, infirm, debilitated stray cows and Nandu ji (bulls).
To prevent loss of agriculture crops by stray cows.
To prevent road accidents and avoiding loss of lives and property destruction. 
To prevent untimely death of cows due to ingestion of polythene and other municipal garbage.
Saves them from the heinous butchering activities.
Holistic Development of Gaushala.

Donations to our Gaushala, registered under section 80G of India's Income Tax Act, 1961 are tax-deductible. Donations to our gaushala have 50% tax exemption for Indian donors. and you will be issued a receipt for the donation amount. You can reach us over mail or call if still need help.

At our gaushala, We work to improve the Breed of India Desi cows. We have Haryanvi Desi cow, Gir, Kankrej, Nagori.